USA makes Marxist Leninist ideologies a major portion in terror cocktails

Karthik Preyeswary
8 min readJan 28, 2022


Recent list of the most terror affected nations and top five terrorist organization of the world had a few points which clearly show the ideas and principles still up hold by the western powers. And their aversion towards the communist concepts of political action. National Consortium a body credited by USA to come up with the list have given the fourth and fifth position to Maoist in India and PKK from turkey. Both this nation has seen a furious history of struggle with the national democracy and parallel communist establishments which have led to many fights and adoption of polices which made the organisations in most of the cases a banned outfit. And more than ever this find a chord with the political objectives put forward by the USA with regards to the world view they uphold as the most democratic one.

Global terrorism Index

The index is very helpful in recognizing the impact of terrorism in various regions of the world over a period of time. And has been used in more than one occasion to obtain a high level of policy implementation result seeking exercise for various government and non-government bodies to measure the effectiveness of their actions. A major use of this index and its ability to accommodate the sudden changes occurring in the world is clear from the way list changes after a major strike. Before the November 2015 Paris attack the index had 5 countries in the radar for having undergone the most number of terror strikes in the year and they were Algeria, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Also a similarity could be tracked in all this nation they all have been clearly marked as the point of origin for various terror related outfits which is having a high visibility and support from quasi government institutions in their respective regions.

But some reports also suggest a major reason for this terror bodies to crop up in the first place to foreign military intervention and conflicts in domestic security apparatus. After all, even this index is not politically isolated as the principles followed by the organisations framing them is surely influenced in the report. Thus what might be a terror attack for a particular group may just be a retaliation in the eye of many others.

What makes the scene more critical is that the curious case of India, a developing nation under the rule of right wing political group, stable economy, the largest democracy and above all an economic super power with consistent growth rate across the year. But in face of all this achievement it is the fifth most terror affected nation in the world. And the Maoist in India is the 4th deadliest terror outfit in the world.

Curious case of Naxal’s

Total attack cases in India is 791 of which 43% has been conducted by Maoist, this is the compiled result of the study of terrorism and response to terrorism done under the us state department. Region wise J and K, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Manipur was the worst affected. And another shocking factor is that of the 2162 civilians killed by Naxalites between 200 and 2015 a major section died are the tribes. The same group which gives the maximum support to he organisation in the forest.

Maoist are present in the poorest regions of India, which is also ridiculous rich in natural resources. And the main reason for their growth in these places is because of the aristocracy done by mining corporations and government in this regions in the name of progression and growth. Mainly coal, iron and diamonds are mined in the name of mining people are displace and employed for merge amount in very dire inhumane conditions.

Cluster of core villages in the forest are governed by a parallel government system created by the Maoist. And in many cases they are more effective than the mainland government actors. War zone conditions exist in the conflict zones which are often raided by security forces specifically made to encounter the Maoist threat to India and various state institutions. And in most cases it is the poor tribal who are attacked in name of action and retaliation. They are caught up in the fight between the two groups.

A trend which is clearly observed is that villagers are sympathetic to Maoist due to the support and help the Mao’s group provide in terms of medical service, education and protection from feudal attitude shown by various section to the poor tribes and forest dwellers. Maoist propel their ideology by proclaiming the presence of political morality on their side and also by questioning what kind of democracy is present in India when the development is concentrated on few regions based on social and spatial bias. Rather than providing equity to every citizen of the nation. More clearly they send out a message to the media that they are not forcing anyone to join as spread across the mainstream media, but people are showing solidarity to the force by being part of it. With a readiness even to shed their life for the cause. Noted example for this belief is the reason that the strict repulsion faced by the Naxal and Maoist during the cold war era when thousands of members who belonged or even sporadically associated with the ideology was prosecuted heavily. And in most of the cases they were made defunct by the Indian security system with the clear support to the democratic forces at that period. But in face of all this resistance, the movement was able to overcome it and reach the present strength only because they kept the real need of the people in their action.

Above all Maoist was able to find support in areas which where traditionally not in their ambit, this was added up with stronger and militia back up in different regions and thus lead to the present situation where they are even a bigger menace for the nation than before.

Reason for the revival of the Mao movement is not secret it is due to the various factors which cause the discrimination and absence of proper policy framework form the part of political as well as bureaucratic circles to support the real citizens. Thus causing unemployment, displacement of tribal groups from land they traditionally owned and blackout of basic services to the most needed regions of rural India.

Formation of CPI Maoist could be traced to the merging of two radical factions in Sep 21 2014 COI Marxist Leninist peoples war [ people war group] and Maoist communist centre of India [ mcci]. This new group was able to strength its hold on the so called red corridor of India stretching from the order of Nepal to the Karnataka’s border with Arabian sea.

In face of all this growth of insurgency is also financed through opium trade, smuggling of arms, human trafficking and kidnapping. And human support is obtained due to illiteracy, overpopulation and poverty along the trial regions. So the questions asked by the modern communist supporters long the world is that what is the solution for the Maoist, could they be brought in to the mainstream politics, could their highly radical ideas could be formalized and bended without hurting their views points to become less radical more approachable to the Indian constitution. No one is sure how this could be done and if possible when it will happen. But a clear answer and a possible answer could be seen by analysing the fifth member in the terror list. Yes, PKK the Kurdistan workers party an organization which came into the limelight of social medias through its fight and success it garnished against the ISIS. In the place where the Iraqis army and Syrian soldiers have failed the PKK has won. But it is no surprise for the people who knew PKK from the beginning that is was not a sudden movement that sprouted to tackle the ISIS, but the roots of PKK goes further deep.

And it also like the Maoist in India has its starting ideology to be entitled with the Marxist Leninist thoughts of revolution and class rising against the evil in the society. PKK a role model of change1974 saw the formation of PKK to meet the needs of Kurds, spread across Iran, Syria, Turkey and Iraq. In lines of Marxist- Leninist ideology, PKK was able to create a stronghold among the Kurds and under the strong leadership of Abdullah Ocalan in 1984 the armed struggle for greater Kurdistan was made more severe. PKK lashed out its force on the Turkish military and Kurds who were with the official security forces. But the force or momentum create by this armed struggle was not powerful enough to sustain the hopes of millions and hence after the dramatic arrest of Ocalan, entire PKK had a complete overhaul of its principle and ideologies. Even Ocalan in jail overtime has supported the gesture that the period of violent conduct is over and time for a political engagement is clear in the early horizon of Kurds movement.

But by then the western media has already painted Ocalan as a left wing monster, rather than identifying the reason for the armed struggle to start in the first place. The media was more interested in dissecting the leader and criticising his role in the formation and growth of PKK. While current conditions are pretty different from that all since PKK has taken up new ideology frontiers called democratic confederation under the influence of Peter kropothen and Murray Bookihen. And recent role played by PKK in attacking the ISIS has even found it a common ground for engagement with USA. Above all democratic union party is having a major role in creating decentralized democracy in Syria after the peace deal is reached with Assad. World media was able to link itself with PKK due to the turkey military offensive action against the innocent workers, and which has resulted in civilian casualties.

Recent activities by the PKK and Kurdistan supporters have Been able to rise the support needed for them in the mainstream, these actions include creating a humanitarian corridor to rescue the Yazidis trapped by ISIS on mount Sijar. Defending and liberating Makhmour, Sinjar, Kirkuk in Iraq and Kobani in Syria. Democratic autonomy has been supported by PKK by dropping the separatism, and also the governance of Rajvaic is a major example for the path they have chosen.


Hence it is not yet lost for the Maoist in India to further change their stance and try to come in to the mainstream politics and try to change the way they act. It may need more time and leadership than what happened to PKK but it is not impossible



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