How to get a [cleaning] job in FUKUSHIMA JAPAN !
They’re offering 30,000 to 50,000 yen per day for three months. Let’s take a look at the offer in full.
Comment: Daily 30,000 yen — 50,000 yen for work inside nuclear plants
■ Employment lasts three months
■ Daily wage 30,000 yen to 50,000 yen
■ The workplace is in a high dosage area
■ Payroll reference: 25 days x 30,000 yen = 750,000 yen x 3 months = 2,250,000 yen from which employment insurance is deducted.
■ Qualifications: Healthy person; mentally and physically strong, self-confident person; must be able to take phone calls; does not belong to anti-social organizations
■ Applicants must be always reachable please, because if in an inquiry is made an immediate response is needed.
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant underwent the second most dreadful nuclear disaster on the earth due to the 2011 Tsunami that hit the Japan. But instead of making sure the mess is cleared for once and all. And any chance to prevent future accidents similar to this from occurring Tepco [ Tokyo Electric Power Company ] the plant’s operator is trying to put its highly specialized resources in the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant to start the operation as soon as possible.
So the obvious question is who supervises the cleaning of Fukushima site, where even robots undergo rapid technical faults due to the extent of radioactive material in the workspace.
And the answer is the NUCLEAR GYPSIES, a term initially used during the building of Fukushima plant and other nuclear plants in the 1970s. These workers mainly came from Sanya neighborhood of Tokyo and Kamagasaki in Osaka.
“I think we should really ask whether they are able to do this while ensuring the safety of the workers,” said Shinichi Nakayama, deputy director of safety research at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency
It is not only the government and plant operator that sidelines the workers, but inhumane treatment will also come from the villagers who inhabit the few villages in the outstrike of the plant . Especially when the workers visit the local market to buy grocery.
“The workers face heartless rumours as if they are all reckless outlaws. They are the same human beings. Like anywhere, there are good guys and bad guys,” said Nakamura, the support group leader.
For a beginner, the entire existence of the plant depends heavily on the stability of the reactor basement which is maintained through constant water supply thus preventing the fuel from getting heated up. But it also has its own troubles, like a generation of large amount of radiated water which cannot be disposed of due to the opposition from fisherman community and also the disability from the scientist to find a method to remove the tritium content in it.
The end result of these cannot be fully comprehended still now, and the real condition at the ground zero cannot be fully expressed by words, which is clear from the Chernobyl incident.The final truth is that the workers and people of Fukushima are suffering for the deeds of nature and government policy laps. Justice could be given to the workers by making sure they are at least given the fair pay rather than getting sidelined by the layers of subcontractors.
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