BHAKTS of Bharat aka India — 1

Karthik Preyeswary
3 min readJan 17, 2020


Bharatisation of Indian dreams and struggle. Yes, that is the current trend in India a very well planned and strangely executed bharatisation. Many of you might have a doubt about what is bharatistion and how it makes its ever-growing grip around the largest democracy in the world. When people say again and again that India is a democracy and whatever is happening is because people have elected a government that has the right to make its policies and plans in such a way that it changes the way the nation function.

Bhakt of Bharat

But when we take a look at the recent developments happening across India right from integrating and pseudo liberation of Kashmir to attack anyone who shows a dissent against the government. It is very well and clearly knows the fact that change and criticism do not go hand in hand in India. The government under the rule of BJP has got the courage to frame and roll-out, laws that directly contradict Indian Preamble.
Protest conducted and actions taken by the police from the side of government is a clear answer to this question of who hunts the innocent. And what will be the level of activity this government is going to take to enforce its laws and thus affect the minority in the nation. Why do the vote of minorities and the liberal population not get the effect it needs to make and can a nation be polarised in such a short period that people are ready to fight against each other. This question when asked in the right stages are getting attacked from the group of people who we call
BHAKT; Who is a bhakt and how does he fits into the current narrative of India. Anyone can be a bhakt, the only thing that qualifies him or her to be one is rationally blind and mute devotion and belief in a leader to such an extent that whatever he/she says you will take it to your heart and ruin your life to make it possible. And what is the scope of characterizing this bhakts as a terrorist, yes there are possibilities to do that? But in India, the case is very sensitive these bhakts are not full time bhakts them come together when their leader is attacked or when they feel that they could have a free ride in this street hunt down their enemies dissent and also create chaos in the community that their ideology will prevail at the end,
Few states that stay out of this commotion have been taking their own stand, but the extent to which it is having an impact on the people is a question to be asked and the answer to it could be very slow impact since these states have already not been able to make an impact in the selection of central government and this by itself is the current issue with the federal system in India.
to be continued …….



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